Sunday 22 July 2012

How To Enjoy Poly Life With Minimum Stress And Boredom? (For Risk Taker)

Going to school for the same purpose everyday. Training mental strength in class, absorbing so much information which may be extravagant. That is what school is all about. BORING and STRESS to the max!! So, what are some of the ways to minimize all this boredom and stress?


Comfortable when you are in school

You have to make sure that when you go to school, you want to dress as comfortably as you can, but not too much. Eg. slippers and sport attire. These kind of dress code will definitely be comfortable.
 I know that wearing slippers may not be allowed in school but sometimes you do not have to go by the book. What I mean is that if you do not mind risking, then why not. The weather in Singapore is already super duper hot.

                                              Skip lesson

Next is during your long day of school. Since Poly only require students to have at least 85% attendance so that they can sit for their exam, there are lessons that you can skip. For lesson which you do not think that you can learn much, you can skip. Eg. Modules which are progressive.(Means you need to understand the first chapter before you can understand the seconds chapter). You might not understand much even if you attend. Just spend the time to catch up on that module at home until you are able understand on what the teacher is teaching. Just be mindful that you do not hit below 85% attendance.

Some ways to survive dry lectures 

If you think that the topic would not be tested in common test :
Plays games or watch videos on your laptop.                                                                                           Too tired? Sleep. (Make sure your bag is fluffy)

If the lecture is important and you are too tired :
 Eat some sweets and the rest is your will power.
 Recommended sweet  : Dextro. (Give maximum concentration. Only $2.50)
 Side Effect : More rest needed when you reach home.
 It should look something similar to this.

How to maintain grades?

Project plays a huge weight-age in your overall GPA. Normally, project is divided into two parts : The assignment and the walk though. The weight-age of the walk-though is higher than the assignment. Therefore, even though the assignment is time consuming, It does not really matters. Just make sure that you do well in the walk though. Personally, I will leave my project till the week of the submission before I start doing.(Last Minute and No Stress) This is because if you start your project early, you will tend to think more of your project and accumulate stress.

How about assignments which needed to be handed up the next day? This is one thing which students tend to do. Stay up late till late night to rush though and hand in low quality homework. How I handle this problem? Have a earlier sleep. Lets say about 8pm and wake up in the morning at about 4am. Why do I do this? When you start a new day, your mind will be fresher and your brain will function better. You will be able to produce work of higher quality. This is a good tip for students who do last minute work like me.

So these are some of things you should try at least once in your poly life if you are having too much stress or boredom.

Pls do comment if you are reading this post. =D Thank You~

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