Saturday 28 July 2012


Today's topic about our lepak adventure would be at Chomp Chomp!
Its a food centre that opens during evening hours and stops selling at wee hours.
Here's some of the delicacies I've tried previously! Pictures shall do the talking! 
These are the MUST eat food when you go to Chomp Chomp for dinner or supper! Though it may seem fattening, trust me, you won't regret your choice. The cost of the overall isn't expensive at all! Given that you go and dine with a few of your friends of course! 
Ohh! After all the introduction of the food, here is a picture of the entrance of chomp chomp! Take a look below! 

For the directions to Chomp Chomp, it will be good if you take the public transportation. The bus numbers are " 73, 136, 315 and 317 ". You can board the buses from Serangoon interchange, just a minute or less walking distance from Serangoon MRT station. 

Overall, I'd give Chomp Chomp a 9/10 rating! The food and services there is just too awesome! Got to try it some time when you're free!!

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